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Month: June 2023

After raw employees blocked advertising revenues of $0.05 , the domain investor is doing other work

After greedy fraud raw employees asked Adsterra to block credit of $0.05 (Rs 4.1 approximately) from advertising for more than 1 month, the domain investor also decided to stop doing writing work
Though the SHAMELESS GREEDY gujju domain banking fraudster stock broker raw employee amita patel has a networth of more than Rs 100 crore, she like other fraud raw/cbi employees have refused to legally purchase the domains
Yet showing how ruthless the well paid greedy government employees are in cheating, exploiting, robbing the real domain investor, a private citizen, for more than 40 days, the raw employees have asked Adsterra to block credit of $0.05 (Rs 4.1 approximately) from advertising for more than 1 month, the domain investor also decided to stop doing writing work
These fraud raw employees are aware that advertising is the main source of income after stopping the writing work, yet they are blocking payment of a small amount of $0.05 when they are aware that each domain is costing $10 or more for renewal, and the real domain investor is a private citizen who is not getting a salary or other income online

greedy fraud raw employees asked Adsterra to block credit of $0.05 (Rs 4.1 approximately) from advertising for more than 1 month

After greedy fraud raw employees asked Adsterra to block credit of $0.05 (Rs 4.1 approximately) from advertising for more than 1 month, the domain investor also decided to stop doing free writing work
Though the SHAMELESS GREEDY gujju domain banking fraudster stock broker raw employee amita patel has a networth of more than Rs 100 crore, she like other fraud raw/cbi employees have refused to legally purchase the domains
Yet showing how ruthless the well paid greedy government employees are in cheating, exploiting, robbing the real domain investor, a private citizen, for more than 40 days, the raw employees have asked Adsterra to block credit of $0.05 (Rs 4.1 approximately) from advertising for more than 1 month, the domain investor also decided to stop doing writing work
These fraud raw employees are aware that advertising is the main source of income after stopping the writing work, yet they are blocking payment of a small amount of $0.05 when they are aware that each domain is costing $10 or more for renewal, and the real domain investor is a private citizen who is not getting a salary or other income online

Petsitters charge Rs 60-300 for taking a dog for a walk, advertising companies refuse to pay even Rs 4 for thousands of page views

In a clear indication of domain investors are looted, some online advertising companies are refusing to pay them even Rs 4 for thousands of page views
In contrast almost all other professions are being paid well for the work which is being done, time which is spent
According to pet sitters in india charge between Rs 60-300 just for taking a dog for a walk, and the walk will be completed within 15-30 minutes usually based on the observation of dog owners
In contrast to drive traffic to a website, a lot of time and money is being spent often 4-5 hours daily, yet the ad network refuses to pay even 5 cents (rs 4) for one month of showing their ads to thousands of visitors
Some professionals like Aashka James are doing pet sitting part time and charging Rs 500-1000 for 4 hours or more
Yet indian government agencies, tech and internet companies have the audacity to claim that online business with low revenues is very lucrative to justify their financial fraud on the investor, when dog walking and pet sitting is far more lucrative.

Despite sending thousands of page views, online ad network does not even pay $0.01 in a month

Indicating widespread fraud in online advertising, despite sending thousands of page views, online ad network does not even pay $0.01 (approximately 83 paisa) in a month
This leaves the domain investor with very less incentive to create quality content and spend time promoting the websites in the network
The domain investor had reached $4.95 for the ad network with payout $5 on May 12,2023, yet in the last month there has been no increase in the ad network revenues
In contrast if the same time is spent separating the scrap in the house and selling to the raddhiwala the income is far more
Though the newspaper scrap rates have declined from Rs 22 per kg to Rs 15 per kg, it is possible to sell 4-5 kg in a day to make a $1 a day
Additionally the domain investor is always criticized for the scrap in her home, so instead of wasting time on content creation, website promotion and making almost nothing from online advertising, it is better to spend the same time cleaning and selling the scrap.

When ad network does not credit page views for 5 days, the ad code has to be removed

While the mainstream media in india covers the wrestlers protest against sexual harassment in great detail, it refuses to cover the sex bribe for government job racket in the indian internet sector.
Top indian government employees are openly CHEATING, EXPLOITING domain investors, criminally defaming them and then falsely claiming that the domains, belong to sex bribe givers like sindhi sex queen naina premchandani,her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, goan bhandari sunaina chodan,siddhi mandrekar who then get government jobs for faking domain ownership, online income.
Additionally these well paid greedy government are also robbing the advertising revenues from the domain investor, increasing her losses.
The domain investor is trying various ad networks, and one ad network paid her a small amount twice. However after 29 May 2023, it is not credited any money at all. So it is better to remove the ad code, though it is very time consuming.