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Ad networks will verify website ownership, however in a massive financial fraud raw/cbi refuise to verify whether their employees actually own websites

Every organization worldwide will interview their employees, to check their levels of competence, skills before hiring them and paying them a monthly salary,
However in a clear indication that indian intelligence and security agencies, state and central government, bribed by google, tata are involved in a massive online financial fraud, the indian intelligence agencies especially R&AW/cbi refuse to interview the google, tata sponsored fraud sex worker, school dropout, cheater housewife, document robber and other fraud raw/cbi employees who are falsely claiming to own this domain and other domains, which are actually paid for and controlled by the google competitor, engineer, a private citizen.

If raw/cbi are paying their employees monthly salaries only for falsely claiming to own domains, they should ask their sex worker, fraud employees for proof of domain ownership. Ad networks will ask any publisher to verify that they own domains, websites, before adding it to their network, however R&AW/cbi are completely lacking in intelligence and common sense, and refuse to ask the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees for any proof of domain, website ownership, resulting in a massive financial fraud on the real domain investor

Interviewing the 10 google, tata sponsored sex worker fraud raw/cbi employees for even 5 minutes will legally prove that these women have no online income, do not know anything about the internet, paypal, domain names . yet in massive google, tata sponsored financial fraud since 2010, the indian government refuses to interview or verify in any way, that their lazy fraud employees, who are not spending any money online, own domain names, have their own paypal account.

It is an indication of the cheating skills of the ntro employees , that no one is questioning their fake references or asking for a formal interview of their lazy greedy cheater girlfriends who they got raw/cbi jobs faking domain ownership, engineering degrees.

Teleshopping channels are very effective for selling products for women

In India, it is very dangerous for women to work online, because they are ruthlessly defamed, cheated and exploited by greedy fraud powerful officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, hathwar, kodancha, pritesh chodankar, j srinivasan, parmar, mhow cheater puneet, vijay, patel who steal the identity of women spending their time and money online, to get their lazy greedy relatives and friends raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the woman, and help from fraud companies like google, tata
Most women do not have time to visit various stores to check the prices, and are sometimes accused unfairly of cheating if they only ask the price and leave without making a purchase, by the corrupt security and intelligence agencies.
So for many women, the teleshopping channels like Naaptol, Homeshop18, EzMall are good way of checking prices of products which they are interested in and getting deals.
Naaptol, Homeshop18 are showing the same ad for 1 hour, while Ezmall is showing the same product ad for 15 minutes which is a more effective strategy because customers will switch the channel if shown for a longer period of time
Ezmall is also providing more detailed information about the product like the size of product being sold , material and other information

Social media accounts more likely to be mentioned in mainstream media

One of the reasons why social media marketing is becoming very popular compared to search engine optimization(SEO) is that social media accounts like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook of celebrities and high profile individuals are more likely to be mentioned in the social media . Any mention in the social media is a form of free advertising for the celebrity or business, so there are a large number of social media marketing agencies.

It is advisable to initially purchase a low value social media marketing package for followers for social media accounts, to check the effectiveness. Many agencies are offering low cost packages, costing between $1-$5 for a large number of followers , which are extremely affordable compared to PPC marketing using google adwords, where the cost of a single click can be $1 or more for some keywords.

It is also important to update the social media account regularly with fresh high quality content, so that it is tracked closely. The mainstream media like newspapers are closely monitoring the social media accounts of celebrities, high profile individuals and organizations.

King Kong’s online advertising helps businesses increase sales

The growth and profit of a business depends to a very large extent on the sales of the business, so businesses are looking for marketing methods which will actually increase the sales of a business.

While there are many digital marketing agencies which promise to increase the number of visitors to a website , king kong online marketing promises to increase the number of sales for a business using their services. Businesses who wish to check a king kong advertising review before using their services, should understand that the focus of the online marketing agency, is increasing the sales by sending high conversion visitors to their website.

King Kong’s online marketing strategy has been very effective for businesses selling high value consumer products and services costing more than $3000, boosting their sales.

Ad code replaced by malware by ntro employees and associates in corporate espionage case

Google, tata are stooping to the lowest level, in causing great losses to the google competitor whose identity they have stolen to get prostitutes, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other frauds raw/cbi jobs

To reduce the revenues of the google competitor, domain investor, the bribe taking , liar, fraud ntro employees have replaced the ad code on a website with malware, after stealing the password, falsely claiming national security.
So instead of the google competitor making some money from visitors, the malware producer is getting the money, and the google competitor is wasting her time sending visitors to the website . The ntro, google, tata employees may be in a partnership with the malware producers and are getting a commission for every website where the malware is posted

So domain investors are put under surveillance, not for national security, mainly to steal passwords, post malware, and increase side income of ntro employees.

Television channels using teleshopping networks instead of advertising and content

With the indian government refusing to end the google, tata masterminded online sex, bribery racket, banking, financial fraud on women domain investors, the domain investor whose identity is stolen by 10 google, tata sponsored goan sex workers sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewives nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak,naina, veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees is forced to look at other options,
For example the indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena , who looks like actress deepika padukone stole the documents of the domain investor, google competitor , a crime under section 378 of the indian penal code in 2010, yet the criminal companies sundar pichai led google , tata were so overjoyed with her crime of stealing her relatives documents, that fraud companies rewarded the indore criminal housewife with a R&AW job falsely claiming that the indore section 420 fraud housewife veena, who is only looking after her house and family, has never invested any money online owns the websites, bank account of her victim, the domain investor legally owning this and other websites to pay the indore criminal a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of her victim.

Anothe example examples of sundar pichai led google’s fraud, isthat along with tata, it has allegedly bribed powerful fraud top government officials like mhow cheater puneet, parmar, and others to abuse their powers, falsely claim that a school dropout gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons,born in kolhapur, illegally married at 16, mother of two sons , who looks like actress sneha wagh, who has never invested any money online, has the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment of the google competitor, to get the eighth standard pass gujju housewife a cbi job with monthly salary and great powers at the expense of the broke google competitor who is working like a slave

The shameless school dropout cbi employee naina has plenty of money to purchase an expensive maruti vitara car costing Rs 12 lakh for her lazy fraud son, to pay the market price and purchase this domain and other domain names legally Instead, she relies on powerful fraud top government officials like parmar with whom she is having an extra marital affair, and BRIBETAKING TOP RAW/CBI/NTRO employees to make fake claims about the domain names, to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor

The powerful greedy shameless gujju identity theft gang hired as contractors by the sundar pichai led google to destroy the engineer, like the goan gsb frauds hiding behind goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak , who looks like actress kangana ranaut, do not think that there is anything wrong in stealing the identity of women engineers, domain investors to get their relatives and associates a cbi job at the expense of the real domain investor, google competitor

Bank records,income tax returns will easily expose the domain ownership fraud, however the top ntro, raw, cbi employees are such shameless section 420 frauds and liars, that they are taking massive bribes from the indore criminal gang of document robbers, veena, deepika and mahesh and others, to abuse their powers and make fake claims, so that the indore fraud veena and other google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree get a monthly government salary without doing any work, without investing any money, at the expense of the domain investor who is working like a slave and getting nothing.

In other sectors, the person investing money is at least acknowledged , and leads, orders are not blocked, unlike the section 420 fraud liar controlled indian internet sector where top officials and companies are openly involved in a online sex, bribery racket, banking, financial fraud


Increasingly smaller television channels in India are using offers from teleshopping networks instead of advertising and content
Many of these offers are very attractive, appear to save a lot of money, so many viewers will watch
For example on 9 August 2018 hbnindia was offering an inflatable sofa set with pump for Rs 3999 and the same offer was available on multiple channels
These products are usually not available in small towns is showing offers intermittently, for food related items, like Kashmiri walnut kernels, 1 kg for Rs 799
Smaller channels may be finding it difficult to get advertisers, so they are directly showing teleshopping networks, for direct sales, like affiliate programs, only conversions are not stolen unlike the fraud hit indian internet sector.

This gives the broke domain investor, google, tata slave legally owning this website , some ideas on how to monetize the websites in her network, when it is extremely difficult to get any advertisers, selling products directly is the preferred option in the television sector

Some citizens unable to watch television due to widespread ntro hacking

In panaji, goa in 2018, there is no end to the problems created by ntro employees who are allowed to run amok harmless indian citizens. Some senior citizens are unable to watch television because of widespread ntro hacking of their mobile phone connection and set top box.
The senior citizen wanted to contact the cable tv provider, however due to mobile phone hacking the senior citizen was unable to contact Bhima Riddhi digital services toll free number, as they are the cable tv provider in goa.
Until the cable tv connection is assured, the senior citizen does not wish to purchase a new television
Advertising rates are highest for television, yet there are some citizens who are unable to watch television because of ntro hacking.

Television advertising wasted due to unreliable cable television network

Compared to websites of some indian citizens which get almost no visitors and have almost no revenues, yet are almost always available for visitors because of the efficiency of the website admin, television channels in India which have a large number of viewers, remain extremely unreliable especially in small towns like panaji, goa, , causing losses to advertisers.

Most webmasters will make an extra effort to ensure that their websites are always available for visitors and also the software bots checking the website for uptime, to prevent a loss of revenues.
On the other hand, the indian television channels do not make an attempt to ensure that the cable television network is working, so often many people are unable to view their favorite programs. For example english news channels are not available in panaji, goa for a few months, yet no effort is being made to fix the cable tv network
Engineers who work in the indian internet sector, ensure that their websites are always available are wasting their skills, resources in ensuring uptime, as there are almost no advertisers, while television channels with plenty of advertising have extremely poor uptime, especially in small towns like panaji, goa due to lack of competent staff.
It also extremely difficult for a customer to contact the cable television provider and get any kind of help, the phone number of the customer support is not working .

Additionally the indian and goan government is wasting crores of rupees of tax payer money to ensure that engineers from the best colleges in India get no paying work in India, cannot work with cable televison or other businesses to improve their uptime and reliability as part of the identity theft racket on engineers from top colleges in india

Google continues with ad stalking of competitor, showing L’Oreal ads featuring look alike of google’s favorite identity thief

Google continues with ad stalking of competitor, showing L’Oreal ads featuring bollywood actress deepika padukone , a look alike of google’s favorite identity thief, the google, tata sponsored indore document robber bespectacled housewife veena, who stole the documents of the domain investor owning this website, and was rewarded for her criminal act under section 378 of the indian penal code with a R&AW job

Whenever the domain investor, google competitor is visiting any website with google adsense ads, as part of the google ad stalking, it is showing the same loreal ad, featuring deepika padukone, with the message play with deepika’s hair. The L’oreal ad stalking continued on 6 June 2018

However when the ad is clicked nothing happens, so google is cheating the publisher, showing ads which cannot be clicked, so the publisher does not get any money, despite wasting resources showing the google adsense ad . Google, tata, indian government are falsely claiming that the document robber, owns this and other websites, to pay the document robber a monthly indian government salary.

Google showing L’oreal deepika padukone ads to celebrate identity theft by tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employees veena, deepika

R&AW is not respected worldwide and also by many indian citizens because it is a fraud organization falsely claiming that its criminal, sex worker, fraud employees have the resume, investment of private citizens, on whom they have committed a crime under various sections of the indian penal code

For example the tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employees bespectacled housewife veena who looks like actress deepika padukone, deepika have committed a crime under section 378 of the indian penal code, stealing the documents of the domain investor and were rewarded for their crime on the engineer, domain investor, google competitor, by google, tata with a R&AW job, falsely claiming that these indore criminals have the resume, investment of the domain investor, and own this and other websites

The greedy lazy tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employees veena, deepika started their identity theft in 2010, and till date they have refused to pay the market price of the domain names, websites and legally purchase the websites, domain names. Yet these fraud R&AW employees falsely claim to own the websites, domain names, bank,paypal account of the domain investor, private citizen, to get a monthly R&AW salary, without doing any work, without spending any money online, while the domain investor is denied the income and opportunities she deserved

The bespectacled indore fraud R&AW employees are offering massive bribes to top R&AW/cbi/ntro employees so that they abuse their powers and make fake claims. To celebrate the fact that the google, tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employees bespectacled veena, deepika, on 3 June 2018 , google adsense was showing ads featuring actress deepika padukone to the google competitor, engineer, whose identity was stolen by the google, tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employees veena, deepika as part of ad stalking