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Google, tata’s online sex, bribery racket and online advertising

One of the reasons why there has been a massive decline in online advertising is because faith in the internet sector worldwide has greatly reduced due to the endless frauds of large companies like google, tata
In every other sector, people are treated fairly, the person who is actually doing work and investing money , is at least acknowledged as the person who is investing money.
However in the never ending frauds in the internet sector, especially in India, the fraud ntro employees refuse to acknowledge the person who is actually doing the work, spending money online, instead making fake black money allegations without any legally valid proof , and ruthlessly exploit harmless female domain investors to enjoy free sex with google, tata supplied sex workers sunaina, siddhi, get money and career help bribes

In any other sector like engineering,this would be considered cheating, however the top officials in the indian internet sector are such shameless frauds and liars that they do not think that they are doing anything wrong. As a results frauds who specialize in manipulation are flourishing online, and advertisers are realizing that bots are using up their advertising dollars.
So there has been a massive decline in online advertising rates

Historical and unrealistic serials are expensive to make

Though the mythological, historical and other imaginary serials like Nagin may have a niche audience, they are also more expensive to make compared to conventional serials which are more related to real life incidents
For these serials, a lot of money and effort is required for the costumes, jewelry and other accessories, special effects required for battles and other events.
For example Mahabharat which was first broadcast a few decades ago, is still being shown on Epic channel.
So while these serials are broadcast repeatedly on the television channels, the producers should be very sure about their audience, because if they do not get advertisers, they will lose more money

NTRO harassment forces domain investor to reduce internet usage, viewing of online ads

In 2018, NTRO is like a rogue agency openly involved in financial, banking fraud, hacking of laptop, smartphones and other gadgets of harmless indian citizens, and labelling harmless domain investors, google competitors as mentally unsound, addicted to the internet if they use the internet for a longer period of time. The domain investor are then used for non consensual human experimentation which can cause great pain and great financial losses

It is also very difficult for the domain investor to end the non consensual human experimentation like memory reading because the officials involved cannot be identified or held accountable

So tired of the human rights abuses, financial fraud in the indian internet sector,and google ad stalking, the domain investor is forced to reduce internet usage, and she does not view may ads online

Google adsense revenue is used to control webmasters

One of the best kept secrets of the internet , is how Google is using adsense revenues to control webmasters worldwide. Those whose adsense account is closed should consider it a blessing in disguise, as they will be forced to used other methods for monetizing websites. An ex google employee had publicly indicated that some accounts are classified as high priority, because they may be connected to powerful officials.

Most of the internet related large forums in 2018 are owned by american companies and they follow the NSA/CIA standards of censorship of forum content, so any identity theft related news is deleted, and the account closed.
So some webmasters from other countries like India, Eastern Europe find that their account is closed, often without a valid reason

If these webmasters will open their own forum, they find it difficult to get members
One webmaster whose webhostingtalk account was closed, has not deleted posts exposing google’s financial, identity theft fraud. So the Google adsense revenues for the webmaster have declined, it is google’s censorship method.

Brands planning to reduce advertising online

There was a surge in online advertising initially due to hype as many brands were persuaded to shift part of their online budget online.

However led by google, which is the top online fraud company, involved in identity theft rackets, there is a lot of manipulation of data online, and often those who manpulate or rig the data are rewarded online, get fake references from fraud ntro employees like nayanshree hathwar, wife of a tata power special electonics employee are rewarded with R&AW jobs for online fraud, while honesty is more valued offline

So the large brands are reducing their online advertising budgets as they realize that their ads may not be viewed by human beings, yet they are being billed

Google associates threaten DDOS attack on webhosting company for hosting website with text link advertising

The sundar pichai led google is extremely aggressive in destroying competition, especially in India, where it has bribed top government officials with money, sex, raw/cbi jobs for their relatives with fake resume, so it has information on every ad which their link sellers are selling directly
Then to ensure that the link sellers, who is already not making any money, suffers further losses, they are threatening the webhosting companies where the website is hosted with a ddos attack , if the text link ad is not removed
So the webhosting company is forced to tell its customer to move their website elsewhere, though the customer has paid the company well in advance. The text link seller also has to waste his or her time, moving the website elsewhere

Google managed to shut down TNX, text link ad network

Many text link sellers have observed a massive decline in their revenues in the last 8 years, because google is extremely aggressive in destroying almost all the text link ad networks was a russian ad network which offered inexpensive low cost text link advertising and an easy way for publishers to monetize their websites
However google, with Matt Cutts aggressively attacked, penalizing their advertisers, and complaining in the mainstream media .
Soon it was not feasible for TNX to continue operation, and they were forced to shut down

Now there are very few text link ad networks, google does not penalize social media spam and marketing, sex, bribery rackets in the indian internet sector, it only attacks text link sellers.

Money wasted in ineffective advertising

The domain investor who legally owns this website has been subjected to identity theft by the goan and indian government which was bribed by google, tata and is getting almost no advertising, to cause financial losses.
So despite her best effort, she is not able to get even Rs 50 new advertising on her websites on most days
Yet online and offline. most companies waste a lot of money on advertising which is not effective, or is simply of no use to the viewer
This clearly indicates that though companies are spending a lot of money on advertising, they do not manage their advertising properly

Online and offline advertising, effectiveness , expenses

Google is always threatening webmasters that their websites will rank poorly if any content is duplicated, however in the offline media and advertising, the same ad and content is repeated on the television channel or newspaper, hoping to get addditional viewers , readers or better recall .
This highlights the great power which google exerts on online content and advertising, where quality does not matter, spun junk content will rank highly, because the officials producing it like hathwar, kodancha are senior government officials in India
This blog will look at online and offline advertising strategies and compare the effectiveness of these methods