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Adhitz account disabled for exposing CORRUPTION, BRIBERY RACKET, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector

The domain investor was using multiple ad networks earlier, when advertising was the main source of revenues
Since she is wasting a lot of time and money fighting the CORRUPTION, BRIBERY RACKET, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector since 2010, causing losses of Rs 15 lakh annually, she did not update many of her websites for a very long time.
Recently she updated one of her oldest websites and complained loudly about google, tata sponsored asmita patel, sindhi scammer naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil,and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, yet are falsely claiming to own her websites, and getting monthly government salaries at her expenses.
A week later, when the domain investor checked the website, she was getting the message, Adhitz account disabled

R&AW/cbi employees trying to block ad network payment to cover up their financial fraud, CORRUPTION, BRIBERY RACKET

By creating an atmosphere of fear, fake allegations without any proof, high status LAZY GREEDY LIAR R&AW/cbi employees managed to get away with their BANKING, CREDIT CARD, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the domain investor for ten years.
Instead of having the honesty and humanity to admit that they have falsely accused an innocent person, for more than ten years, these extremely greedy raw/cbi employees are still trying to cover up their FRAUD, LIES, making fake allegations without any kind of proof.
After putting a debit freeze on a current account after spreading false rumors, they are now trying to block the payment from the ad network, spreading completely false rumors, resulting in a delay in the payment.

Paypal allegedly creating problems for ad network for paying the domain investor

An ad network was usually paying between 26th and 30th of a month, however since september the payment has been delayed because Paypal is allegedly creating problems for ad network for paying the domain investor
In the never ending fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010, top officials and companies are misleading Paypal that the ad network income is the only source of income, and the domain investor who has 100% legal income, is involved in illegal activities
The domain investor can legally prove that she is making far more money from writing compared to the ad revenue, only the writing payment is made weekly, so each amount is less. The DISHONEST LIAR top officials and companies forget that the domain investor, online publisher is spending a large amount of money on domain, webhosting annually, time managing the websites, yet they continue to harass ad network for paying the domain investor.

Google, tata, indian internet companies doing FAKE PROPAGANDA, advertising of cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro to BRIBE, CONTROL her powerful father nayak, husband caro

To BRIBE, CONTROL powerful liar officials like caro, nayak, google, tata, indian internet companies making up FAKE STORIES promoting cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro
google, tata, indian internet companies are aware that ruthless housewife cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro like other fraud raw/cbi employees including goan bhandari sunaina chodan, does not do any computer work, she does not invest any money in domains she is spending her time cooking, cleaning, looking after her house, family, socializing with her friends and family.

Yet only to BRIBE, CONTROL powerful liar officials like caro, nayak, google, tata, indian internet companies making up FAKE STORIES promoting cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro with no online income, falsely claiming that she is an online expert, domain investor using stolen data of a older single woman domain investor so that robber riddhi is getting a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor,who is CHEATED, EXPLOITED since 2010

When the domain investor is protesting against the DEFAMATION, CHEATING, EXPLOITATION, google, tata, indian internet companies show their lack of humanity, honesty, when they question her mental health, patriotism, when it is a clear case of FINANCIAL FRAUD

Text link ad network unable to detect ads placed since October 3,2020

IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google is extremely ruthless in destroying competition and it has allegedly hacked ad network selling text link ads Ma. the ad network would be able to detect the ads properly within a few hours of being placed.
However since 3 October 2020, the ad network is not able to detect the ads which are being placed, the software may be hacked
Since google has systematically destroyed the revenues and life of most link sellers, Google or its contractors are the main suspects for hacking ad network selling text link ads

Free advertising for businesses owned by bhandaris from karwar, kumta, north kanara, karnataka

Taking advantage of the lack of power and poverty of the bhandari community of karwar/kumta, north kanara the indian government is openly involved in the identity theft of hardworking bhandari professionals especially single women with the identity theft of the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer, by greedy shameless LIAR gujju, sindhi, goan, haryana, indore raw/cbi employees an example of the government EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010
Though these greedy shameless LIAR gujju, sindhi, goan, haryana, indore raw/cbi employees especially greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer naina chandan, indore robber deepika, mba hr ruchika kinge, nayanshree hathwar do not pay for or control any website, the indian and state governments are making FAKE CLAIMS about these websites, to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is CRIMINALLY DEFAMED
Hence to help the bhandari community from karwar/kumta, north kanara, the domain investor is offering free advertising for bhandari owned businesses in north kanara district except goa on one of the largest networks of websites in India
The goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar are allegedly falsely claiming that the goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, who does not spend any money on domains, owns the domains in a financial fraud since 2012, and refuse to end the fraud
Please send email to, though the email may be robbed by the shivalli brahmin officials hiding behind bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm, from gangolli/kundapura, udupi, karnataka
Domains, webhosting are not free, Rs 4-5 lakh is spent every year, which the raw/cbi employees do not spend, yet make fake claims to falsely get credit, government salaries in a clear case of FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD

Fake bipolar allegations destroy advertising revenues make person work like a slave

One of the reasons why the case of actor sushant singh rajput is being closely followed because though mainly doctors think that actor sushant singh rajput had mental health problems, this has not affected the faith of his family, his fans, some government officials
In 2010-2014 a huge amount of indian taxpayer money was wasted to falsely prove that the domain investor had mental health problems, when she was leading a fairly normal life by indian standards, mainly because she was living alone. According to western standards, people who are honest, cannot lie, and ambitious are considered bipolar. In kshatriya, rajput families, children are told that they should not lie, keep promises, honesty is valued, that it is the value system.
Many professionals retain the same value system for the rest of their lives while most brahmin, bania officials are shameless pathological liars, at least in the indian internet sector making fake claims of website, domain ownership to get their relatives, SUGAR BABIES, raw/cbi jobs with monthly salaries at the expense of the domain investor who is CRIMINALLY DEFAMED as being bipolar to cover their FINANCIAL, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD.
This is probably the reason why his sister shweta singh kirti got a refund for the billboard advertising sushant singh rajput in USA, after the bipolar diagnosis mainly by Suzanne Walker, was widely publicized. The agency said that they do not want to be associated, and gave a refund. Once a person is diagnosed as bipolar, it is often the end of the professional career of the person in USA, though it is normal in India.
Till 2011, the domain investor was making a lot of money advertising, it was a good source of income. After criminally defaming the domain investor as being bipolar just because she was living alone allegedly bribed by google, advertising revenues have almost disappeared, forcing the domain investor to do writing work which is far more tedious and will pay far less.
Even for the writing work, IIt kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google has BRIBED 5 LIAR state governments in goa, karnataka, maharashtra, madhya pradesh, haryana to commit BANKING,paypal fraud on the domain investor falsely claiming that goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, schooldropout naina chandan,robber,cheater housewife like panaji robber riddhi nayak caro. nayanshree hathwar, indore robber deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, ruchika kinge, nikhil, karan, who do not spend any money on the domains, do not do writing work, own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the domain investor in a government FINANCIAL FRAUD
The fraud btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college is also involved in a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, falsely claiming that greedy gujju stockbroker asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of their female btech 1993 ee classmate, the domain investor who they hate, to get all these frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries
Initially all countries believed the CIA, NTRO, raw, cbi propaganda yet slowly the FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD of the CYBERCRIMINAL RAW/cbi employees like robber riddhi nayak caro was exposed and now the domain investor is getting non-US advertising for exposing cia/google online fraud

The bank details in the income tax returns of the 13 google,tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees will also LEGALLY PROVE google’s GREATEST BRIBERY RACKET since 2010, BRIBING 5 LIAR state governments and indian government to make fake claims about the bank account of a private citizen, google competitor, only to destroy her reputation completely .

Billboard advertising sushant singh rajput in USA cancelled after the bipolar diagnosis of Suzanne Walker

One of the reasons why the case of actor sushant singh rajput is being closely followed because though mainly doctors think that actor sushant singh rajput had mental health problems, this has not affected the faith of his family, his fans, some government officials
In 2010-2014 a huge amount of indian taxpayer money was wasted to falsely prove that the domain investor had mental health problems, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her, when she was leading a fairly normal life by indian standards, mainly because she was living alone. The main motive was to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD, CHEAT, EXPLOIT her, for the rest of her life.

According to western standards, people who are honest, cannot lie, and ambitious are considered bipolar. In kshatriya, rajput families, children are told that they should not lie, keep promises, honesty is valued, that it is the value system.
Many professionals retain the same value system for the rest of their lives while most brahmin, bania officials are shameless pathological liars, at least in the indian internet sector.
This is probably the reason why his sister shweta singh kirti got a refund for the billboard advertising sushant singh rajput in USA, after the bipolar diagnosis mainly by Suzanne Walker, was widely publicized. The agency said that they do not want to be associated, and gave a refund. Once a person is diagnosed as bipolar, it is often the end of the professional career of the person in USA, though it is normal in India.
The actor sushant singh rajput was mentally tortured using voice to skull technology, and he did not realize that technology was being misused to mentally torture him, resulted in additional problems
In India also it is very risky for a person who is mentally tortured, to contact any doctor like in the case of sushant singh rajput , the police usually have far more sympathy for indian citizens who are mentally tortured, though it is always dangerous to discuss the matter.

To cover indore ROBBER raw employee housewife deepika online, domain ownership fraud, advertising revenue blocked for her sister who indore robber deepika ROBBED

The indian internet and tech companies led by google, tata are aware that their indore ROBBER raw employee housewife deepika ( name changed) has never invested any money in domains in her life, she never had any online income at all since she is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband mahesh, does no computer work at all like other google, tata sponsored raw employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree from india’s top engineering college.

Yet in a form of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY exclusive to the indian internet sector, to reward the indore ROBBER raw employee housewife deepika for ROBBING her hardworking harmless sister who is the real domain investor, google, tata have got the indore ROBBER housewife deepika a monthly R&AW salary and are also making FAKE CLAIMS that the indore ROBBER housewife, who does no computer work, does not invest money in domains, owns the paypal, bank account, domains of her single hardworking sister, the real domain investor who deepika robbed

Due to the indian government ONLINE, FINANCIAL fraud on the real domain investor, a single woman she is making very less money, despite spending time and money doing work daily, while because of the indian internet sector FRAUD,CORRUPTION, the indore housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees are rich with plenty of money, free time to lead a good lifestyle since they do not do any computer work, do not invest any money, yet FALSELY get credit, monthly salaries because of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, NEPOTISM, FRAUD in the indian internet sector

To cover up the domain ownership fraud, R&AW/cbi are doing everything possible to reduce the advertising revenues of the real domain investor on whom they have committed a FINANCIAL FRAUD for the last ten years.

Google main beneficiary from ban on TikTok which was a major Youtube competitor

After the lockdown, Google thought that it would be the major beneficiary since people were working at home. However, it appears that most people in India switched to Tik Tok because the video duration was less
The advertisers are also following the audience, they will prefer websites which have more visitors . Tik tok was making Rs 37 crore daily in India according to some reports.
Google is ruthless in destroying competition, ten years ago, along with tata, it destroyed the life of all link sellers receiving paypal payment, using their stolen identity to bribe top security and intelligence employees with raw/cbi jobs for their relatives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar.
Now the link sellers are making almost no money, and video advertising is the latest trend. So realizing that they will not get anything from the broke link sellers, the focus is on video advertising, and Tik Tok ban is the first step in google’s attempt to completely dominate video advertising