R&AW is not respected worldwide and also by many indian citizens because it is a fraud organization falsely claiming that its criminal, sex worker, fraud employees have the resume, investment of private citizens, on whom they have committed a crime under various sections of the indian penal code
For example the tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employees bespectacled housewife veena who looks like actress deepika padukone, deepika have committed a crime under section 378 of the indian penal code, stealing the documents of the domain investor and were rewarded for their crime on the engineer, domain investor, google competitor, by google, tata with a R&AW job, falsely claiming that these indore criminals have the resume, investment of the domain investor, and own this and other websites
The greedy lazy tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employees veena, deepika started their identity theft in 2010, and till date they have refused to pay the market price of the domain names, websites and legally purchase the websites, domain names. Yet these fraud R&AW employees falsely claim to own the websites, domain names, bank,paypal account of the domain investor, private citizen, to get a monthly R&AW salary, without doing any work, without spending any money online, while the domain investor is denied the income and opportunities she deserved
The bespectacled indore fraud R&AW employees are offering massive bribes to top R&AW/cbi/ntro employees so that they abuse their powers and make fake claims. To celebrate the fact that the google, tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employees bespectacled veena, deepika, on 3 June 2018 , google adsense was showing ads featuring actress deepika padukone to the google competitor, engineer, whose identity was stolen by the google, tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employees veena, deepika as part of ad stalking