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Airline inflight advertisers duped into featuring a look alike of Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan

The Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan is least interested in writing, doing any online work or investing in domains.
yet to avoid paying sunaina for her SEX services to government employees from their million dollar profits, sunaina’s google, tata PIMPS, lovers, sugar daddies are abusing their powers, and duping people, companies and countries that the Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan who has no online investment and is least interesting in gardening and does not spend any money on domains, owns the websites of a single woman engineer, domain investor for the last 10 years

All the ads in an inflight magazine featured a look alike of the Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan, since it appears that her pimps, sugar daddies, and lovers are duping all airlines that the call girl, who does not spend any money on domains, owns the domains of the google competitor, engineer, domain investor who she hates. Then the google, tata pimps are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor to cover up their FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD

when sunaina is not doing any computer work or investing in domains, why are google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi duping all airlines with their fake stories about the Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan, falsely claiming that she is a computer expert, writing content when the raw employee is only a sex expert who is least interested in domains, computer and writing work

To destroy competition to Google adwords in India, google, along with tata, rewarded indore ROBBER housewife veena who ROBBED google competitor with R&AW job

Google’s support for indore ROBBER RAW employee housewife veena triggered anti trust action against Google in 48 states in USA

The indian, madhya pradesh and all state governments are aware of the fact that the indore ROBBER RAW employee housewife veena who looks like actress deepika padukone, is only a housewife after her house and family in indore she has never invested any money online, and has no online income at all,

yet along with the fraud company tata, the sundar pichai led google REWARDED the ruthless indore ROBBER RAW employee housewife veena for her CRIME of ROBBING the documents and identity of a google competitor with a R&AW job and now these fraud companies along with the indian, madhya pradesh government are falsely claiming that the indore ROBBER housewife, who has no online income owns the domains, paypal, bank account of the her RELATIVE WHO veena ROBBED
The indore housewife veena like other raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree is only looking after her house and family, yet google, tata show that they are section 420 fraud companies worse than nigerian fraudsters DUPING people, companies and countries with their fake claims about domain ownership, paypal account
initially since the indore fraudsters veena, deepika and others were PAYING massive BRIBES to top officials, the indian government propaganda machinery, R&AW was able to DUPE countries, companies and people with their FAKE CLAIMS
The real domain investor ROBBED by raw employee veena was put under surveillance, all her laptops hacked so that raw/cbi/ntro could continue with their FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD
Since the domain investor was dealing with many companies worldwide, while R&AW employee veena is only a housewife, the intelligence agencies in other countries wanted to be sure who owned the domains, since they do not want any chargeback on their credit cards or illegal transfers of domain names. Legally all the domains are owned by the engineer, a private citizen who is ROBBED by the R&AW employee veena, yet all the government agencies, google, tata continue to support veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees in their DOMAIN, paypal, bank account ownership fraud.
The intelligence agencies, registrars were able to verify that the domain investor was not doing anything illegal, indian government agencies are LIARS making fake claims, and google, tata are showing their lack of ethics supporting veena and others in their FINANCIAL FRAUD.

the american companies realized that google had no ethics at all, supporting the indore robber veena in her financial, online fraud, which was extremely unfair to the domain investor, who has no time, and very less money while her relative veena who ROBBED her is having plenty of money because of google, tata’s support for her CRIME. Hence they decided to initiate anti trust action , since google is probably using similar unethical tactics to destroy competition worldwide

To destroy competition to Google adwords in India, google, along with tata, rewarded indore ROBBER housewife veena who ROBBED google competitor with R&AW job, a fraud which the indian mainstream media refuses to cover

Ads removed from specbar by ntro employees enjoying school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan’s sex services

In most places, people are away from their home for many days, weeks or months because of professional or personal reasons, no one falsely claims to own their home and related assets .
Only in goa, in a real estate fraud masterminded by google, tata, if a single woman engineer does not visit her home for a few days, ntro, raw, cbi falsely claim ownership of the home, domains and websites and start removing the ads

For example on 21 july 2019, the domain investor found that the ad placed on specbar was removed by the ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha who are completely addicted to the sex services of the google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and falsely claim that their SEX service provider, who does not spend any money owns the domains of a single woman engineer who they hate

Unlike the goan and indian governments favorite school dropout sex service provider cbi employee naina chandan, who never travels alone, the domain investor, engineer has been traveling alone from a young age, and often has to visit other states for various reasons. In other states, no one falsely claims to own her house, only in goa, the real estate, domain fraud continues

Gujju and other fraudsters, NTRO refuse to admit change in online ad market conditions

In 2010, there was a great demand for online advertising, especially text link advertising. In 2019, there is almost no demand , since google has destroyed all competition with the stolen memory, trade secrets of competitors which is provided by the indian government for free.

Yet NTRo, gujju and other fraudsters refuse to understand the change in the online ad market and waste time, resources
The domain investor is no longer depending on advertising, she is selling the domains, and focusing on writing and other work

Yet ntro, gujju and other domain fraudster continue to waste taxpayer money to hound the domain investor, when she is selling off her domains, and is unlikely to purchase any more, since she is making a huge loss on almost every domain renewal

100’s of domains deleted from ad network account by hackers to reduce revenues

Compared to writing for a persons own blog network, writing for others is very time consuming and tedious.
The only incentive for spending so much time writing is the money that is being paid
If there is even the slightest doubt that the money will not be paid, it is better to stop doing the writing work immediately and focus on other activities which may be beneficial in the long term
For example the domain investor was spending a lot of time doing writing work for the last 6 months because she was being paid,yet she could not manage the domains properly due to lack of time and she found that hackers had deleted 100’s of domains from her account in the ad network

This is a clear indication of the unethical tactics of google, tata, ntro to cover up their banking, online fraud

Unable to get his school dropout sex service provider a btech 1993 ee degree, parmar cancelling almost all ads

The extremely powerful ntro employee parmar was so infatuated with the google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee premika gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, that he was overconfident that he could criminally defame a harmless hardworking single woman engineer and force her to agree to identity theft, give up her resume, savings to his favorite SEX service provider naina chandan who married illegally at 16, to become the top gujju sex service provider in India.

In 2019, though parmar, his associates like parekh, nikhil sha, mhow cheater puneet have criminally defamed the engineer for 8 years since 2010, they are unable to provide any legally valid proof against the harmlesss hardworking engineer to initiate legal action against her. So the liar fraud ntro employee parmar is realizing that his fantasy of getting his favorite school dropout SEX service provider cbi employee naina chandan, illegally married at 16, a Btech 1993 ee degree from a top college is likely to fail.

So parmar and his associates have cancelled almost all the ads from one ad network, and the revenues have reduced to a very great extent, overnight the ad revenue has reduced to only $50 for one website

The indian internet sector falsely claims that google, tata supplied goan call girls, robbers, cheaters and frauds, own domains to get them raw/cbi jobs

The condition of educated hardworking women in india is worsening rapidly with the fraud companies google, tata involved in massive online fraud falsely claiming that google, tata supplied goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, naina chandan offering sex services to ntro employees, robbers like riddhi caro,veena , cheaters nayanshree hathwar and frauds who do not not spend any money on domains, own domains including this one to get them raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the real domain investor, who is viciously defamed, robbed and cheated by the ROBBER LIAR FRAUD google, tata, ntro, raw,cbi employees

The ntro employees led by shameless cunning mhow cheater puneet who will easily beat the nigerian fraudsters as the greatest online fraudster in the world, have been falsely claiming that they will purchase the domains for more than 9 years since 2010, to get their SEX worker, robber, fraud friends and relatives monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor

In reality the faud ntro employees and their prostitute,robber raw/cbi employee girlfriends sunaina, siddhi, riddhi nayak, naina chandan, veena, nayanshree hathwar are least interested in paying the market price of the domain names, are only duping people, companies and countries with their fake claims, defaming, cheating and exploiting the real domain investor

This posted to alert people, companies and countries that google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, indian security agencies are the greatest online fraudsters, LIARS in the world in 2019, easily beating the nigerian fraudsters in their online fraud and should not be trusted.

Like Punjab minister Siddhu who was dropped from the Kapil Sharma show, domain investor has ads removed for complaining

Increasingly India is matching china in censorship and the removal of ex cricketer, Punjab minister Navjot Singh Siddhu from the Kapil Sharma show is a clear indication that in India, questioning the official policy can cause great financial losses
Siddhu was paid very well for the Kapil Sharma show.
India officially claims to be a democracy, where citizens have the freedom of speech, however on television, especially the national channels, the anchors are often extremely jingoistic in 2019
The patriotism of anyone who is exposing corruption, nepotism and abuse of power is also questioned, they find it extremely difficult to get any kind of paid work in India.
The removal of the Punjab minister Navjot Singh Siddhu, is the most high profile incident, where a celebrity was dropped for questioning the official line
Like Siddhu, the domain investor owning this website and others has also lost a lot of advertising because she is complaining about the corruption, nepotism and fraud in the indian internet sector
In February 2019 more than 70 ads were removed from the websites of the domain investor, causing a drastic drop in the revenues

Ad networks will verify website ownership, however in a massive financial fraud raw/cbi refuise to verify whether their employees actually own websites

Every organization worldwide will interview their employees, to check their levels of competence, skills before hiring them and paying them a monthly salary,
However in a clear indication that indian intelligence and security agencies, state and central government, bribed by google, tata are involved in a massive online financial fraud, the indian intelligence agencies especially R&AW/cbi refuse to interview the google, tata sponsored fraud sex worker, school dropout, cheater housewife, document robber and other fraud raw/cbi employees who are falsely claiming to own this domain and other domains, which are actually paid for and controlled by the google competitor, engineer, a private citizen.

If raw/cbi are paying their employees monthly salaries only for falsely claiming to own domains, they should ask their sex worker, fraud employees for proof of domain ownership. Ad networks will ask any publisher to verify that they own domains, websites, before adding it to their network, however R&AW/cbi are completely lacking in intelligence and common sense, and refuse to ask the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees for any proof of domain, website ownership, resulting in a massive financial fraud on the real domain investor

Interviewing the 10 google, tata sponsored sex worker fraud raw/cbi employees for even 5 minutes will legally prove that these women have no online income, do not know anything about the internet, paypal, domain names . yet in massive google, tata sponsored financial fraud since 2010, the indian government refuses to interview or verify in any way, that their lazy fraud employees, who are not spending any money online, own domain names, have their own paypal account.

It is an indication of the cheating skills of the ntro employees , that no one is questioning their fake references or asking for a formal interview of their lazy greedy cheater girlfriends who they got raw/cbi jobs faking domain ownership, engineering degrees.

Teleshopping channels are very effective for selling products for women

In India, it is very dangerous for women to work online, because they are ruthlessly defamed, cheated and exploited by greedy fraud powerful officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, hathwar, kodancha, pritesh chodankar, j srinivasan, parmar, mhow cheater puneet, vijay, patel who steal the identity of women spending their time and money online, to get their lazy greedy relatives and friends raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the woman, and help from fraud companies like google, tata
Most women do not have time to visit various stores to check the prices, and are sometimes accused unfairly of cheating if they only ask the price and leave without making a purchase, by the corrupt security and intelligence agencies.
So for many women, the teleshopping channels like Naaptol, Homeshop18, EzMall are good way of checking prices of products which they are interested in and getting deals.
Naaptol, Homeshop18 are showing the same ad for 1 hour, while Ezmall is showing the same product ad for 15 minutes which is a more effective strategy because customers will switch the channel if shown for a longer period of time
Ezmall is also providing more detailed information about the product like the size of product being sold , material and other information