Since paypal is allegedly harassing ad networks, because the domain investor does not receive payment from more than 10 sources, the domain investor is trying very hard to diversify her source of income
She had tried since they do not require approval.
For the first week, they showed income of $0.09, and the domain investor was very happy.
After that the income is not increasing though there are more than 750 page views every week
The US traffic is more than the indian traffic, yet income is not increasing.
US traffic is the most valuable traffic for advertising online, yet it is very surprising that there is no income at all, forcing the domain investor to try other ad networks
To cover up indore ROBBER raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika’s online, FINANCIAL fraud, ntro/raw/cbi blocking all advertising for single woman domain investor
To avoid paying SEX, MONEY BRIBES from their million dollar profits IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian tech and internet companies have developed a new form of BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, ruthlessly CHEATING, EXPLOITING hardworking single women from poorer communities who have no one to help or defend them and are not even given a chance to defend themselves against frauds criminally defaming her
though they lecture indian citizens on honesty, google, tata are the greatest frauds falsely claiming that indore ROBBER raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika who is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband mahesh, and does not spend any money on domains, owns the domains, websites, of her sister who she robbed, to get the indore robber a monthly raw salary at the expense of her hardworking single sister
If the real domain investor, robbed, cheated, exploited and defamed by the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees had some more free time, she could do home maintenance work better, so to ensure that she has no free time, ntro/raw/cbi are blocking almost all the advertising revenues for the single woman, forcing her to waste her time writing articles, which is very time consuming.,
After the goa 1989 jee topper wasted 7 years of her life complaining, some internet companies, are matching the online account details and personal, bank details of raw/cbi employees who falsely claim that they are online experts, domain investors
Surfepro not paying for page views on wellnesstalk because of indian government ICANN, FINANCIAL FRAUD on single woman domain investor since 2010
To avoid paying SEX, MONEY BRIBES from their million dollar profits IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian tech and internet companies have developed a new form of BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, ruthlessly CHEATING, EXPLOITING hardworking single women from poorer communities who have no one to help or defend them and are not even given a chance to defend themselves against frauds criminally defaming her
the fraud greedy brahmin/bania ntro, raw, cbi employees led by mhow monster puneet are putting a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor who they HATE under surveillance,stealing all her data and then FALSELY CLAIMING that her domains, websites, paypal, bank account belong to their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends and associates who do no computer work, do not invest any money in domains to get all the frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the single woman
though these greedy fraud ntro/raw/cbi employees are not paying any money for the domains,webhosting, other expenses they are falsely claiming to own the websites, domains of a private citizen to get monthly government salaries at her expense. To cover up the FINANCIAL, ONLINE, TIME FRAUD, these fraud ntro/raw/cbi employees, gogle, tata, indian internet and tech companies are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor, spreading false rumors, circulating defamatory videos destroying her credibility so that no one believes her though she is telling the truth
The domain investor is already losing Rs 15 lakh annually since 2010 because of the indian government FINANCIAL FRAUD on her, so to get some passive income, the domain investor was using surfepro. However to indian government ICANN, FINANCIAL FRAUD on single woman domain investor since 2010 , it appears that CORRUPT NTRO/raw/cbi employees like panaji housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, who do not spend any money on domains, webhosting, are falsely claiming that they own the domain
So initially till 18 November for a few days, surfepro was paying some money for the page views. After 18 november, 2020, it is not showing any income, though there are some page views according to the statistics provided. There is another website in the same account where surfepro is showing income for the page views, only for wellnesstalk and other websites added later , it is not showing any income
Surfepro should realize that SHAMELESS CORRUPT GREEDY LIAR well paid NTRO/raw/cbi employees are openly involved in a major financial fraud on hardworking indian citizens, especially single older women, falsely claiming to own their websites, and are supported by IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian tech and internet companies in their ICANN, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the single woman since 2010.
WHois details will expose the indian government ONLINE, FINANCIAL, ICANN fraud, since the details of greedy government employees do not match the registry, registrar details
In addition to their Rs 15 lakh annual financial fraud, CORRUPT ntro,raw, cbi, indian internet companies blocking link sales
In addition to their Rs 15 lakh annual financial fraud on the single woman domain investor, refusing to purchase domain names despite making fake claims, CORRUPT ntro,raw, cbi, indian internet companies blocking link sales to increases financial losses
One of the captcha typing websites, is also now offering link work, since getting backlinks is tedious, time consuming
Since the domain investor, a private citizen, has a large number of websites with no link sales, she added the websites.
Out of the 4 websites listed, 3 were included.
However using javascript, the cybercriminal internet companies/ntro/raw/cbi are blocking link sales
It is not possible to add the link, to get approval for it because of the ntro/raw/cbi domain ownership fraud
when their well paid employees have refused to purchase the domains for the last ten years, despite getting very good monthly salaries, why are greedy government employees not allowing the private citizen who makes very less money to sell links on the websites which she alone is paying money for.
This blocking of link sales, is another example of CORRUPTION, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector.
Online advertising revenues depends on website promotion
One of the greatest frauds of indian internet companies, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi is how they falsely claim that the websites will make a huge amount of money without doing any kind of computer work and they are doing a great favor to citizens allowing them to register a domain
In reality, the advertising revenues of a website depends on how much time the webmaster is spending promoting the website. The webmaster has to spend a lot of time getting backlinks from different websites, posting links, advertising the website
Even after this the advertising rates are very low, so it is better to do other work, like writing, though it is not a source of passive income to pay the domain renewal fees.
In the last 3-4 years, the domain investor has completely stopped promoting the websites due to ntro/raw/cbi domain ownership fraud making fake claims about greedy gujju fraudster asmita patel, sunaina chodan so the traffic has reduced in almost all the websites.
Till the indian internet sector, google ends it financial fraud on risk takers,domain investors, wasting time to promote websites is very risky for the financial fraud victim.
Google adsense alternatives for monetization of low traffic websites in November 2020
List of CPM and other ad networks for low traffic websites
Though no blogger in india will have the honesty to openly discuss it, Google adsense is more suitable for online publishers who are high status and have a good lifestyle though they are dishonest greedy frauds like karnal haryana fraud raw employee mba hr ruchika kinge, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, riddhi nayak caro . There are some instances when google has disabled the account for online publishers because they do not have a good lifestyle.
Based on extensive research, the domain investor, online publisher has observed that usually the traffic of a website, is linked to the social status of the online publisher, so if the person does not have a good social status because of the caste (in india), race, family background, gender, age, the online publisher will not get any visitors from search engines, though they may get from link ads.
Most of the major ad networks are only accepting publishers with 1000+ daily/monthly visitors. Yet to get more visitors, the online publisher has to spend a lot of time and money for promotion which is not possible for low status online publishers who are victims of financial fraud by indian internet companies and some government agencies. These online publishers usually have to provide a service, which takes a lot of time to make money to pay for domain renewal expenses.
For example the domain investor, is doing writing work, through iwriter and even for this the LIAR FRAUD shameless greedy raw/cbi employees like haryana fraudster ruchika kinge, nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, who do no computer work at all, are falsely claiming to own her paypal, bank account and getting monthly government salary. So because of the indian and goan, other state government BANKING FRAUD since 2010 the domain investor has almost no free time
The indian and state government, indian internet sector DOMAIN OWNERSHIP, FINANCIAL FRAUD, is also making it difficult to sell advertising, since the extremely greedy raw/cbi employees who do not want to pay any money for domains, continue to falsely claim that they own the domains of a private citizen since the largest tech and internet companies are supporting them in their fraud. So most of the domains are not even covering the cost of domain renewals every year, and the domain investor is trying all options to monetize her low traffic websites
After spending the very little free time available, the domain investor has compiled a list of Google adsense alternatives for low traffic websites in November 2020. For a few like Bidvertiser, payment proof is available, while for others the domain investor will have to wait, since she is getting very few visitors. Please check the list of CPM and other ad networks for low traffic websites in November 2020, specifically for online publishers in India.
Now ad networks are finding it difficult to find online publishers with websites
In 2010, it was very easy to monetize websites, many publishers were making $3000 or more monthly including the domain investor. Ten years later, the income of the online publishers has greatly declined, some do not even make $1 /month from PPC, CPM advertising due to which almost no one is interested in starting more websites, since they have to pay a huge amount in domain renewal expenses.
Making videos, playing games, social media marketing is far more lucrative compared to starting a website monetized using advertising since there is no expense involved . Though the extremely greedy security agencies, ntro believe that they are doing citizens a great favor allowing them to start a website, in reality, a person has to spend time and money for the website.
If ntro is causing a great loss to online publishers because they falsely think that it is very profitable, no one will start a website, they will Make videos, playing games, social media marketing , since they will make more money for the time they spend. The greedy top ntro, raw, cbi employees are using OUTDATED, INVALID information when they harass online publishers, forgetting that advertising rates have greatly reduced in the last ten years
So earlier, ad networks, were very particular while approving websites, now they are automatically approving the websites.
How google’s support for greedy gujju stock broker R&AW employee asmita patel in her DOMAIN OWNERSHIP, FINANCIAL FRAUD , is adversely affecting advertising revenues
Though the SHAMELESS greedy gujju stock broker R&AW employee asmita patel has never invested any money in domains till 2019, IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata have got the SHAMELESS greedy gujju stock broker R&AW employee asmita patel a R&AW job falsely claiming that india’s top shameless FRAUD stock broker, who has no online income, owns only less than 5 domains, owns the 500+ domains of the google competitor so that the google sponsored fraud gets a monthly r&aw salary for FAKING domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor a single woman engineer.
The SHAMELESS greedy gujju stock broker R&AW employee asmita patel is helped in her FINANCIAL, ONLINE by shameless BRAHMIN FRAUD ntro employee puneet who HATES the real domain investor, his btech 1993 ee classmate from india’s top enginering college, and to destroy her life , he is falsely claiming that all the domains of the single woman belong to him, to get his greedy fraud friends like asmita patel a monthly raw salary
The BRAHMIN FRAUD ntro employee puneet, like j srinivasan and others are not paying any money for domains, yet they extremely shameless and ruthless in their computer work, BANKING FRAUD on a single woman domain investor taking advantage of the fact that she has no one to defend or really help her, and she comes from a poorer community, where officials, leaders do not have the courage to defend professionals with a good JEE rank against indian government BANKING FRAUD
Due to the indian government domain ownership fraud, these GREEDY SHAMELESS FRAUD well paid raw/ntro/cbi employees are also blocking DOMAIN SALES forgetting that unlike government employees who get a very good salary, and pension, the domain investor is not getting any financial help from anyone and is pay Rs 4-5 lakh annually for domain renewals.
So because of the lack of income to pay for domain renewals, the domain investor is spending all her time writing articles for companies through iwriter and even for this R&AW/cbi are committing FINANCIAL FRAUD, making fake claims about iwriter account ownership, to get housewives and other frauds monthly salaries at her expense
So because of the ntro/raw/cbi/indian government employee ONLINE, FINANCIAL fraud on her, the domain investor has no time to promote her websites and the advertising revenues are adversely affected. If the domain investor got what she deserved instead of wasting her life fighting indian government employee FINANCIAL FRAUD, she would have more time to promote her website, write quality content, lead a better lifestyle and her advertising revenues would also increase.
Infolinks ad revenue has reduced to zero for three months
Though Infolinks is one of the large ad networks, and its advertisements are extremely intrusive, the revenues have reduced greatly.
Due to the indian and state governments Rs 15 lakh annual writing, domain ownership, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the domain investor legally owning the website, the domain investor has very less time and money, due to which she could not review the various ad networks
Finally when she checked the revenues she found that Infolinks ad revenue has reduced to zero for three months
The advertisements, make it difficult to use the websites, so it is better to remove the advertisements, and use alternative monetization options
Most indian bloggers mainly use Google Adsense, make less money
The domain investor added her website to a blog directory, since she is looking for methods to improve DA since MOZ has reduced the DA to a very low value.
She found that most of the indian bloggers are mainly using Google Adsense, they are not even aware of any other ad network.
This exposes one side effect of R&AW/cbi hiring fake online experts like greedy liar karnal,haryana mba hr ruchika kinge, asmita patel, goan frauds siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar who never had any online income in their life, never has owned any website of her own , yet are getting a monthly raw/cbi salary for falsely claiming to own the websites, paypal, bank account of the real domain investor, online publisher since 2010
Though the incompetent indian government falsely claims that these fraud raw/cbi employees are online experts, they are least interested in working online, spending their time and money, taking the effort, so they cannot help or guide anyone. Bank records, income tax returns will also legally prove the fraud
Due to the indian government Rs 15 lakh annual fraud on her for ten years, the domain investor is also demotivated, she does not search for new ad networks or monetization methods. Hence though the indian bloggers are very eager to make more money, they are only using Google Adsense and making very less money.
Some of the monetization methods discovered earlier are listed at Monetization for indians.