Since raw/cbi have allocated all text link advertising and writing work to its domain, banking fraudster employees faking online income, advertising revenues and domain sales are the main source of income for the domain investor who invested in a large number of domains mainly for seo purposes.
Though the fraud top government employees led by brahmin cheater j srinivasan, tushar parekh, puneet and vijay who have got their banking fraudster girlfriends and associates no work, no investment government jobs in the internet sector try to discourage the domain investor from posting , questioning her sanity, the fact is that the traffic to the websites will drastically reduce when the websites are not updated regularly.
The small amount of advertising revenues is the only passive income the domain investor is having after most of the text link and writing work was diverted to the banking fraudster raw/cbi employees faking online income, online investment. Since almost all the orders are robbed, it is not possible to get writing work and very less text link advertising is provided.
Using his relationship fraud, brahmin cheater government employee puneet diverted all advertising to his greedy fraud girlfriends siddhi mandrekar, ruchita kinge
though the greedy fraud raw employees goan CALL GIRL siddhi mandrekar, haryana gurugram fraud mba ruchita kinge, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, never invested any money in domains at all, did not pay any expenses, they got great powers because of the great fraud of india’s top online fraudster government employee brahmin cheater LIAR puneet
The fraud LIAR top brahmin government puneet HATED his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, a single woman engineer, domain investor and being one of the most dishonest cruel cheaters he faked his friendship and help for the single woman engineer so that he could ROB everything from her to become extremely rich and powerful and also make all his lazy greedy real girlfriend like siddhi mandrekar, ruchita kinge rich and powerful
though the fraud puneet and his CHEATER GIRLFRIENDS never paid any expenses and never did any computer work, being india’s top online fraudster for more than 14 years, the cheater puneet and his associates are DUPING countries, companies and people with fake stories about fraud raw employees ruchita kinge, siddhi mandrekar who refuse to purchase the domains.
The relationship, financial fraud of brahmin cheater government employee puneet has made his fraud girlfriend raw employee ruchita kinge extremely rich, she is leading a very lavish lifestyle, spending Rs one lakh every month, on holidays in india, dubai, yet she refuses to even purchase one domain legally in a major financial fraud.
Though haryana’s top fraud mba ruchita kinge is spending her time dancing on the beaches of goa with her husband, the indian government continues its fraud of falsely claiming that the haryana cheater is doing all the computer, writing work.
So now the cheater puneet has given all his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends control of text link advertising and the real domain investor is making great losses due to the denial of opportunities which she deserved, financial fraud, government slavery of LIAR top indian government employee puneet
Using his relationship fraud, brahmin cheater government employee puneet diverted all advertising to his greedy fraud girlfriends siddhi mandrekar, ruchita kinge
though the greedy fraud raw employees goan CALL GIRL siddhi mandrekar, haryana gurugram fraud mba ruchita kinge, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, never invested any money in domains at all, did not pay any expenses, they got great powers because of the great fraud of india’s top online fraudster government employee brahmin cheater LIAR puneet
The fraud LIAR top brahmin government puneet HATED his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, a single woman engineer, domain investor and being one of the most dishonest cruel cheaters he faked his friendship and help for the single woman engineer so that he could ROB everything from her to become extremely rich and powerful and also make all his lazy greedy real girlfriend like siddhi mandrekar, ruchita kinge rich and powerful
though the fraud puneet and his CHEATER GIRLFRIENDS never paid any expenses and never did any computer work, being india’s top online fraudster for more than 14 years, the cheater puneet and his associates are DUPING countries, companies and people with fake stories about fraud raw employees ruchita kinge, siddhi mandrekar who refuse to purchase the domains.
The relationship, financial fraud of brahmin cheater government employee puneet has made his fraud girlfriend raw employee ruchita kinge extremely rich, she is leading a very lavish lifestyle, spending Rs one lakh every month, on holidays in india, dubai, yet she refuses to even purchase one domain legally in a major financial fraud.
Though haryana’s top fraud mba ruchita kinge is spending her time dancing on the beaches of goa with her husband, the indian government continues its fraud of falsely claiming that the haryana cheater is doing all the computer, writing work.
So now the cheater puneet has given all his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends control of text link advertising and the real domain investor is making great losses due to the denial of opportunities which she deserved, financial fraud, government slavery of LIAR top indian government employee puneet
With almost all paid work blocked, advertising is the only way to make some money
In 2023, all the domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees are extremely ruthless in causing losses to the domain investor on whom they have committed massive fraud for more than 14 years without being questioned.
Almost all writing and other work is blocked, these cheater raw/cbi employees are also refusing to purchase the domains, so the only way the domain investor can make a small amount of money to pay the domain renewal expenses, is using advertising on the domains till they are sold or expire.
The local officials are becoming extremely hysterical when advertising is used on .in domains, yet the domains are not free and the rich government employees have refused to purchase even one domain in the last 14 years.
Though greedy goans, scammer sindhis never paid any online expenses, raw/cbi has give them control of all text link advertising
Indicating the high levels of corruption, financial fraud in government agencies though greedy goans, scammer sindhis like kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani never paid any online expenses like the SEX BRIBE taking LIAR top indian government employees who have got the scammer sindhis government jobs in the indian internet sector, raw/cbi has give them control of all text link advertising based on the complete lies of SEX BRIBE taking liar top indian government employees like tushar parekh, puneet, parmar, nikhil shah.
This indian government policy of rewarding SEX BRIBE givers with government jobs in the indian internet sector has caused great hardship to the online investors who have paid a large amount for domains, online expenses yet finds that raw, indian government is making fake claims about banking fraudster pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani because his school dropout mother naina, illegally married at 16 offers the best SEX SERVICES to top indian government employees as part of the sindhi SEX TRADE DEAL
the indian government does not even ask the goan, sindhi sex service providers who have got government jobs to legally purchase domains, continues to reward them for robbing data and making fake claims while blocking text link advertising for the real domain investor, paying all the domain expenses
Ad network data shows that very few people are interested in starting a website
While the liar tech, internet companies, government agencies continue their lies of falsely claiming that starting a website is very lucrative, ad network data shows that very few people are interested in starting a website, since it is very time consuming, and the advertising revenues are very low.
The domain investor who had a large number of websites for seo purposes, has been using cpm/banner advertising since the greedy goan/sindhi fraud raw/cbi employees like siddhi mandrekar, pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani have been blocking all text link advertising after falsely getting credit, government jobs, great powers as part of the government job for sex racket of top indian government employees in the indian internet sector.
The ad networks are assigning a number to the website based on when they have been added, and the domain investor finds that she is almost the only person who is adding websites to the ad networks. The smaller ad networks have also indicated that they have approximately 500 or less websites , showing that it is very difficult to make money from advertising .
Yet the government agencies, tech and internet companies continue their great fraud of making fake claims about the advertising revenues to falsely give credit, great powers to their favorite fraud CALL GIRL goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan, gurugrams top cheater ruchita kinge and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not pay expenses, do not do any computer work
Banking fraudster raw/cbi employees did not pay any expenses, do not do any work, they have got control of all text link advertising
Though the greedy goan, gujju frauds, sindhi scammers, indore cheater raw/cbi employees like stock broker amita patel, indore fraud housewife deepika/veena did not pay any expenses, do not do any computer work, they have got control of all text link advertising only by criminally defaming the hardworking experienced domain investor who was also a prolific writer
This government policy of rewarding liar cybercriminal banking fraudster goan call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds with great powers, monthly government salary in the indian internet sector, has led to an increase in cybercrime in india, and flawed policy making.
Now these banking fraudster raw/cbi employees are blocking almost all text link advertising for the domain investor who they have ruthlessly cheated, exploited, robbed, tortured for the last 14 years without being questioned. Writing work has also been taken away.
So now the domain investor is forced to use other methods for monetizing the websites since domain renewal fees have been greatly increased.
Greedy goans, scammer sindhis, haryana cheaters have removed almost all online advertising
Though they are getting monthly government salary for faking domain ownership, the greedy fraud raw/cbi employees especially Greedy goans,gujjus, scammer sindhis, haryana khatri cheaters are extremely ruthless in causing great financial losses to the real domain investor, single woman engineer, who they have ruthlessly ROBBED, CHEATED, EXPLOITED for more than 13 years without a legally valid reason, running a massive extortion racket
Now showing how vicious they are in causing losses to the single woman engineer, these fraud raw/cbi employees have also removed almost all the advertising. Even if a new website is added to the network, the website is not accepted and not indexed, though the fraud raw/cbi employees never paid expenses, never did any computer work indicating widespread government fraud in the indian internet sector.
haryana’s top cheater raw employee ruchita kinge is spending more than Rs 1 lakh every month on holidays/vacation, yet she refuses to even spend Rs 10000 monthly to purchase domains, though she gets a monthly government salary only for faking domain ownership
Payment from Admediatex banner advertising network received
Online publishers interested in monetizing their websites should consider using Admediatex , a banner advertising network. Internet users can also monetize their social media account and other sources of traffic using the direct link CPM. Members can request withdrawal at $5, and there are multiple payment methods like Paypal, Binance Pay, Wise, USDT. The first payment was received in December 2023.
For 13 years crores of indian taxpayer money has been wasted making fake money laundering allegations against an online investor spending a large amount on domain and other expenses . Though the goan call girl, sindhi scammer, housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees, government employees have never paid the huge domain renewal fees and other expenses, the fraud top tech and internet companies are openly involved in a massive financial fraud, government SLAVERY racket on the online investor, spreading fake rumors that government employees , ruthless cheaters, liars are paying expenses, own the domains, including this one. Hence this ad network is highly recommeded for exposing the government domain ownership, financial fraud
Greedy goan frauds, sindhi scammers have blocked almost all advertising work
In one of the greatest online, financial frauds, though the greedy goan cheaters siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, did not pay any expenses like their powerful cheater boyfriends, did not do any computer work, with the help of their fraud boyfriends , relatives, tech and internet companies they got lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector, and control of almost all the advertising work available at the expense of the single woman engineer, who is paying all the expenses, doing most of the work.
Now the domain investor is away from goa for a very long time, so they realize that they cannot falsely take credit and are cutting off almost all advertising.
So there is very little incentive for updating the blog, wasting time, since almost no advertising is being sold.