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Adhitz account disabled for exposing CORRUPTION, BRIBERY RACKET, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector

The domain investor was using multiple ad networks earlier, when advertising was the main source of revenues
Since she is wasting a lot of time and money fighting the CORRUPTION, BRIBERY RACKET, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector since 2010, causing losses of Rs 15 lakh annually, she did not update many of her websites for a very long time.
Recently she updated one of her oldest websites and complained loudly about google, tata sponsored asmita patel, sindhi scammer naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil,and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, yet are falsely claiming to own her websites, and getting monthly government salaries at her expenses.
A week later, when the domain investor checked the website, she was getting the message, Adhitz account disabled