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Browser hacked to prevent registration at russian banner ad network

Google controls online advertising so completely that it is very difficult for some small online publishers to make even 5 cents a month though they may have 5000 page views or more using Infolinks, Bidvertiser, yllix or popup ad networks.
In comparison the russians are able to offer a small amount for unique visitors which allows small publishers to make 5 cents or more a month from banner advertising alone to cover domain renewal expenses. The domain investor managed to register at one banner ad network
Now she is trying to register at another banner ad network , yet she is not able to open the account despite trying repeatedly.
For each browser she is getting a different message , in some cases she is told that the account is already registered, yet there is a password error, and she is also not able to reset the password.
It appears that CIA, NSA or some technical intelligence agency is hacking the browser to prevent some indian publishers from registration and making a small amount of money.

No indian banner advertising network, since indian internet companies focusing on banking fraud on online business owners

While the indian internet companies are complaining about the website content, they are directly responsible for the quality of the online content, since they are extremely aggressive in their banking fraud, cybercrime, criminal defamation and identity theft of small online business owners rewarding lazy greedy frauds like goan gsb cheater housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro for faking domain ownership, bank account
The other reason why there is no incentive to create high quality content for government slavery, banking fraud victims is because there is no reliable banner network in india which will pay online publishers based on page views or visitors alone
Countries with a far smaller population have developed banner ad networks, the domain investor received payment thrice in the last one month.

Due to google’s policy of rewarding cheater housewives, scammer students and other frauds faking computer work, online advertising revenues reducing

Only in the indian internet sector, the top companies allegedly led by google,tata, infosys, cognizant are openly involved in banking fraud, criminal defamation of small online business owners and are rewarding scammer students like the sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan premchandani, cheater housewives only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband and other frauds with monthly government salaries for faking bank account, computer work and domain ownership

This google policy of openly rewarding cybercrime, banking fraud has led to the fines for google worldwide, since domain investors who are cheated, exploited, robbed and criminally defamed are complaining.

To pay the fines, google is reducing advertising revenues for google adsense publishers according to Fecoms, the owner of the forum Trendri
Earlier Trendri was paying members for posting, yet due to reduction of google adsense revenues, he has stopped paying members

Despite his excellent salary, pune axe bank manager CYBERCRIMINAL nikhil premchandani continues to ROB advertising revenues, affiliate income

The government is allowing dishonesty greedy frauds like anish acharya to misuse expensive government equipment to commit CYBERCRIME, ROBBING the important business information, affiliate income and advertising revenue of the harmless private citizen who is making a loss since alone pays all the expense while well paid GREEDY ROBBER government employees like anish acharya,pune axe bank manager sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani his brother,karan premchandani, DO NOT PAY any business expenses yet are allowed to ROB the affiliate income and advertising revenues of private citizens without being questioned
The indian government agencies are aware that the real domain investor is making very less yet it allows its GREEDY CYBERCRIMINAL ROBBER employees like anish acharya,pune axe bank manager sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani his brother,karan premchandani, goan bhandaris to ROB the affiliate income and advertising revenues of small online business owners, private citizens to any extent
When diamond and other jewelry was stolen from home of NTT MD Sharad sanghi, he could file a complaint with the police, online business owners who find that their revenues, affiliate income are robbed by government employees anish acharya, pune axe bank manager sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani his brother,karan premchandani, goan bhandaris find it very difficult to end the robbery

Page views not recorded accurately for Ad2Bitcoin

Though its lazy greedy fraud employees have never invested money in domains and have not done writing work, raw/cbi have given them all great powers at the expense of the real domain investor in a government banking fraud
Now these domain fraudster raw/cbi employees are blocking all the writing and text link advertising work for the real domain investor causing great losses. So the real domain investor is trying other ad networks , yet even these ad networks are not recording page views accurately
For example usually has approximately 20-30 page views daily, checked with multiple ad networks
Yet when Ad2Bitcoin is used, no page views are recorded at all indicating revenue diversion or theft, So instead of using Ad2Bitcoin it is better to use other ad networks like Beycoin which gives some credit for page views

Domain fraudster raw/cbi employees removing Adsterra ad code from the websites

Though they are getting a very good monthly indian government salary since 2010, the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees like haryana cheater ruchita kinge, pinkhouse partner greedy gujju stock trader amita patel with networth of more than Rs 100 crores,indore cheater deepika/veena do not have the honesty and humanity to legally purchase the domains from the domain investor.
Instead they are openly involved in cybercrime on the domain investor, removing the ad code from her websites so that she does not make any money from advertising
Showing that indian tech and internet companies are the greatest online fraudsters in the world, first these companies spread fake rumors that the domains belong to the btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay of the single woman engineer when these classmates all HATED the single woman, never helped her in any way with haryana
top fraud raw employee optum human resources manager ruchita kinge, pinkhouse partner thane greedy gujju stock trader amita patel being extremely GREEDY & RUTHLESS in their domain ownership, ONLINE FINANCIAL FRAUD
though greedy government employees tushar parekh,puneet,j srinivasan, vijay have never invested any money and are not helping in any way,since the indian government continues to REWARD its well paid employees for their endless FRAUD on hardworking single women who they HATE, to keep his kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer SEX queen naina premchandani happy, the greedy gujju cheater tushar parekh has got naina’s cheater son pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani, a raw job faking domain ownership, bank account since 2015 and great powers
The shameless sindhi scammers do not have the honesty and humanity to legally purchase any domain,open their own paypal, bank account like the other fraud raw/cbi employees faking domain ownership, instead they continue to use 100% FAKE RUMORS, SLANDER which the indian government blindly believes to waste indian taxpayer money paying monthly salaries to 10-15 lazy greedy fraudsters
Additionally due to the excellent SEX SERVICES of panaji sindhi scammer naina premchandani which top indian government officials enjoy,m the sindhi scammers have also got great powers getting control of the lucrative content and link sale services which are the misusing to block content and link orders for the domain investor in the last few months , forcing the domain investor to consider CPM advertising
yet even the cpm advertising code of adsterra is being removed from all the cpanel websites forcing the domain investor to use other webhosting

Since domain fraudster raw/cbi employees get monthly government salaries without paying any expenses,they are removing ad codes from websites

Though raw/cbi employes like greedy gurugram cheater mba hr ruchita kinge and goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak,greedy goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan ( recently married to a photographer) n,do not pay any money for the domains like their cheater boyfriends puneet, vijay as part of the massive indian government online, financial fraud, these cheaters are getting monthly government salaries for falsely claiming to own the domains of a private citizen, single woman engineer these raw/cbi employees HATE,CRIMINALLY DEFAME
the cheater top government employee puneet is an excellent actor, was called “dev anand” in college for his excellent ACTING skills, so in one of the greatest financial frauds which the indian government refuses to end, he falsely claimed that his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay who he HATED, never contacted or helped, was a proxy for him, all her domains and savings belonged to him to destroy her reputation completely, when actually the domains, savings belonged to the single woman alone
He also encouraged his other classmates and other government employees to commit a similar financial fraud on the single woman and now the greedy government employees are refusing to purchase the domains legally, yet are falsely claiming to own the domains
Since domain fraudster raw/cbi employees like ROBBER goan gsb FRAUD housewife riddhi, haryana cheater ruchita do not have to pay any expenses,yet get monthly government salaries only for making FAKE CLAIMS, the revenues from the websites do not matter for these domain fraudster government employees .
In contrast the advertising and domain sales are the main source of revenues for the real domain investor,a single woman engineer who is victim of indian government CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY since 2010. Yet the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees are removing all the ad code from the domains which they falsely claim to own, causing losses for the real domain investor.

Advertising completely blocked on website exposing ageism, lazy liar young frauds

The greedy government employees getting a very good monthly salary are extremely ruthless in their criminal defamation, financial fraud on hardworking private citizens who are above 45 years of age in a case of government SLAVERY, ageism and financial fraud.

Though the LIAR government employees like puneet , j srinivasan are aware that lazy liar young frauds are not doing any computer work at all, they are devoid of honesty and humanity, and have blocked text link advertising on the website exposing ageism, lazy liar young frauds completely so that their lies are not exposed.

Hence other advertising methods are being used.

More proof that ad views, revenues from are being stolen

Since the indian government agencies, tech and internet companies, refuse to end their domain ownership, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the domain investor, private citizen since 2010, using FAKE RUMORS that the domains of a private citizen belong to the well paid GREEDY LIAR government employees especially allegedly from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay like puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, tushar parekh who do not pay any money for domain renewals, , thet real domain investor is making huge FINANCIAL LOSSES
To keep the favorite CALL GIRLS, GIRLFRIENDS of top indian government employees happy, the indian government is falsely claiming that these call girls, girlfriends who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen,single woman engineer who they HATE
In addition to CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor, cheating her of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2010, the greedy government employees in indi are also ROBBING advertising revenues
In the latest case of advertising revenue, theft the advertising revenues from are being stolen by the greedy robber indian government employees
When the domain investor logged in the morning the account was showing 0.0531 roubles which were noted down
After some time, the balance suddenly decreased to 0.0521 roubles indicating that advertising revenues are being robbed

sindhi scammer brothers nikhil,karan premchandani got great powers, government job FAKING domain ownership and now blocking advertising, stealing advertising revenues

To keep sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani happy, the indian government is paying her scammer sons nikhil, karan monthly salaries faking domain ownership
Indicating the lack of honesty and humanity of the indian government agencies, which has left people worldwide shocked, the government agencies are making up FAKE STORIES to commit financial fraud on a hardworking single woman engineer since 2010, falsely claiming that she is a proxy for cruel cunning cheater top government employees who actually HATE her, while making up FAKE STORIES about lazy greedy girlfriends of top indian government employees like panaji sindhi scammer housewife naina premchandani who do not invest money in domains like her scammer sons.
To keep sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, the real girlfriend of top government employees happy, the indian government is paying her scammer sons nikhil, karan monthly salaries faking domain ownership, online income, and giving the sindhi scammers great powers, while criminally defaming the single woman engineer, who is the real domain investor
So now misusing the great powers which they have got, the sindhi scammers are now blocking the advertising on the websites of the domain investor they cheated, robbing the advertising revenues from the websites of the single woman they cheated